Graduating into the beginning of the Covid Pandemic I found myself with plenty of free time and an urge to keep pushing and designing. With the need to keep my design skills sharp I began sketching out forms with the intent to design a building project on my own. Sketch iteration after iteration I pushed the designs spatial boundaries while consulting structural and architectural code. Over the project's 4 months, it became something I looked forward to working on in my fleeting spare time. Looking back there are many things I would do different in this process but overall I learned how to turn an idea into a committed project which can transform the transitions of time and situation.
Over fishing and the privatization and commercialization of public beaches has caused many Northern Americans to lose the rights to their own lands and has driven low income areas into further poverty, leaving few ways to turn things around. The Fishery aims to combat problems facing local fisherman and create a stronger local presence in the area.
Located in Montauk, NY, a major tourist destination due to its six state parks, woodlands, and blue beaches. However, it is particularly famous for its fishing, claiming to have more world saltwater fishing records than any other port in the world. Located just 20 miles off the Connecticut coast, it is home to the largest commercial and recreational fishing fleet in New York state. This community is at risk of becoming a privatized area which will put local fisherman out of work due to beach lands being bought up and privatized by New York’s richest families who looking for a quick getaway. This quick vacation attitude has pushed many families out of the area and changed the towns identity and goals.
Recently, global temperature rises have made the waters much warmer, causing the island's waters to be designated by OCEARCH as a highly populated birthing ground for Great White Sharks. This wasn't surprising to locals, considering the movie Jaws based its shark hunting characters on past locals. However, while this may be increasing tourism and interest in the community, it has caused stricter limits on what and where the local fisherman can fish.
The Fishery is a multi-use residential project meant to support local businesses who depend on the the public beach landscapes in order to survive. Its design is focused on combating local privatization by creating a community among the locals and housing their businesses in the north towers. The Fishery uses the locally abundant materials in its landscape as inspiration for materials. Using sustainable design strategies such as geothermal heating and cooling, passive air flow, automated louver panels for shading, and solar energy for power, creating a a sustainable solution within the community as a whole. It is meant to gather the community and provide an experience of oasis and reflect the values of the landscape and people just beyond its walls. For the community, it is combating local privatization by purchasing beach lands and docks and making them publicly available.
The core glass pieces are used to collect the site's rain water, which can be used as gray water treatment and maintain the sites balance of water and greenery. The trees within are being molded to grow in a manipulated situation where nature is being isolated.